Cleanroom technology – an indispensable part of life sciences

Cleanroom technology is an indispensable part of many industries and forms the basis for safe and controlled work processes. The technology includes not only the cleanroom itself, but everything associated with it, such as production, transport, storage and packaging.

What is a cleanroom?

In einem Reinraum hält man die Partikel-Kontamination unter bestimmten Werten. Reinräume werden für spezielle Fertigungsverfahren in der Halbleiterindustrie, der Pharma- und Biotechnologie sowie in der Medizintechnik und Lebensmittelherstellung benötigt.

Doch wie kann man sich einen Reinraum vorstellen? Ein Reinraum ist ein geschlossener Raum, in dem über ein Hochleistungsfiltersystem (HEPA oder ULPA) nahezu staub- und keimfreie Luft kontinuierlich zugeführt wird und zirkuliert. Die Reinraumklassifikation basiert auf der Anzahl der Partikel pro Kubikmeter Luft sowie auf weiteren Faktoren wie mikrobieller Kontamination, Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit und Luftströmungskontrolle.

The cleanroom classification is based on two international standards:

  • ISO 14644-1: Defines cleanroom classes from ISO 1 (highest cleanliness) to ISO 9 (lowest cleanliness), based on the maximum permissible number of particles per cubic metre of air.
  • GMP classes (Good Manufacturing Practice): In the pharmaceutical industry, cleanrooms are categorised according to GMP A (highest cleanliness) to GMP D (lowest cleanliness). These specifications include not only particle counts, but also microbiological limit values.

Cleanroom technology in the life sciences

In the life sciences, it is particularly important to comply with high cleanliness requirements. In the particularly sensitive field of medical technology, cleanrooms with special seals, increased filter performance and strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) requirements are used. However, plastics and medical devices must also be manufactured, stored and transported without contamination, which is made possible by special manufacturing processes and coatings.

Ilmac and SwissCCS enter into strategic partnership

The requirements of cleanroom technology are constantly changing. Due to technological progress, specific cleanroom solutions are becoming increasingly necessary, which must be integrated into the company’s processes. Guidelines must be strictly adhered to at all times and all information must be available.

The Swiss Society for Cleanroom Technology (SwissCCS) represents Switzerland in the international umbrella organisation of cleanroom technology societies, the International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies ICCCS.

In 2025, Ilmac entered into a strategic partnership with the SwissCCS. The SwissCCS is integrating its specialist conference into Ilmac, creating synergies that will benefit both its members and the entire chemical and life sciences industry. The new partnership will make the topic of cleanroom technology within the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries accessible to a wider specialist audience. The aim of the cooperation is to further strengthen cleanroom technology in Switzerland and emphasise its importance in the life sciences sector.

Further information on SwissCCS can be found here:

SwissCCS an der Ilmac 2025

On the afternoon of 17 September, SwissCCS will be holding its annual symposium in the Speakers Corner at Ilmac: ‘We will be presenting topics relating to future trends in cleanroom technology on our stage on Wednesday afternoon. These will include IOT, energy optimisation, new standards and new topics such as battery production,’ says Roman Schläpfer, President of SwissCCS, about the content of the conference.