![Bild Ilmac Conference 2019](https://www.ilmac.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Print-approx-21-x-14-cm-ILMAC-2019-SBA-01-028-1600x600.jpg)
Ilmac Conference 2023: Chemical Sciences as Driving Forces for a Sustainable Future
Erfahren Sie schon heute, was morgen zählt! Das wissenschaftlich getriebene Conference Programm macht Sie fit für die Zukunft. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren, begeistern und fortbilden. Profitieren Sie von attraktivem Wissenstransfer an der Ilmac Conference – Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und die Vorträge sind in Englisch.
An jedem Conference Tag wird der Fokus auf ein wichtiges Branchenthema gesetzt. Nachfolgende Informationen erhalten Sie auf Englisch.
Chemical sciences and its related technologies are one of the main drivers to reduce the carbon footprint in industrial production and have a tremendous impact to reach the goal of a «net zero society». Energy saving, waste reduction or using more sustainable raw materials and catalysts are only some examples that need to be improve to run a circular economy.
The Ilmac Conference will focus each day on a specific topic related to sustainability and provides lectures, contributed talks, discussion forums and networking opportunities for interested community members from chemistry, pharma and biotech.
Lab Digitalization
Day 1: 26. September 2023 | 9.15 – 17.00 h
09.15 | Welcome Coffee at the SCS Booth |
10.00 | Introduction Day 1 |
10.15 | Dr. Nessa Carson, AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UK «No such thing as magic! Enabling chemical insights through user experience» |
10.45 | Dr. Arndt Finkelmann, Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Stein, CH «Data as the Fuel for Lab Automation» |
11.15 | Dr. Trixie Wagner and Daniel Meyer, Novartis Pharma AG «Lab Digitalization: Paving the Way for the Next Generation of Synthesis» |
11.45 | Dr. Nick Lynch, Curlew Research / BioExcel Center of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research, / Open Phacts Foundation, UK «Digital Lab of the future – current challenges & looking ahead» |
12.15 | Lunch and networking |
13.30 | Startup Session |
14.00 | Zishan Butt, Bachem AG, Bubendorf «From Manual to Digital: Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy in Lab Processes at Bachem AG» |
14.30 | Break |
15.00 | Prof. Beatriz Garcia de la Torre, KwaZulu-Natal Research and Innovation Sequencing Platform, KRISP, Durban (ZA) «Refractive Index as a PAT Tool for Peptide and Oligonucleotide Synthesis» |
15.30 | Dr. Jonathan Brand, Givaudan Suisse SA, Vernier «PAT, an accelerator for industrialization in Fragrance and Beauty industry» |
16.00 | Dr. Barbara Pföss, Institut Straumann AG «From Dental Implants to Digital Smile Design» |
16.30 | Aperitif |
17.00 | Swiss Women in Chemistry (SWC) Evening |
Swiss Women in Chemistry Evening
26. September 2023 | 16.30 – 20.00 h
![Speakerin bei Ilmac Conference, Hazal Ustundag George, Firmenich SA](https://www.ilmac.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Print-approx-21-x-14-cm-ILMAC-2019-SBA-01-126-1024x683.jpg)
16.30 | Aperitif / Welcome drink for the SWC community |
17.00 | Welcome, info about the Swiss Women in Chemistry network and its activities |
17.10 | Career Talk Dr. Martina Ribar Hestericová, Associate Director of Science Communications, Lonza |
17.35 | Career Talk Prof. Helma Wennemers, Professor of Organic Chemistry, ETH Zurich |
18.00 | Career Talk Dr. Hayley Binch, Head of Medicinal Chemistry, F. Hofmann-La Roche Ltd. |
18.30 | Aperitif riche |
20.00 | End of the event. Closing of the hall |
Chemical Technologies
Day 2: 27. September 2023 | 9.15 – 17.00 h
New Biotech Methods
Day 3: 28. September 2023 | 9.15 – 17.00 h
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David Spichiger
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
![Ilmac Logo](https://www.ilmac.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ilmac_brand-logo_Zeichenflaeche-1-400x400.jpg)
Ilmac Team
Die SCS koordiniert die Zusammenarbeit mit den Partnergesellschaften und den Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Die SCS und ihre Partnergesellschaften SVC und SBA sind die offiziellen Organisatoren der Conference. Hier lernen Sie das Orga Team kennen.
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